Many games are best played with separate player groups for younger (or smaller) and older (larger and rougher) individuals. Other games are best reserved for certain age groups or situations. For instance "Slaughter" works very well on a campout, but is difficult to set up at a Meeting. "Swat-em" is a game the Boys all enjoy, but not when playing 11 - 12's vs 16 - 17's. "Triangular Tug of War" has been won by a smaller individual.
Games are folk culture items. Rules, approaches, regulations, settings, for any particular game will vary considerably from time to time and from location to location. A flexibilty is required.
Over the years many compliations of games have been published.
Below are several references from my library on games. I have attempted
where I know the published source of a game, to give credit.
If there is credit for any specific game that should be given, please let
me know, and I will add it. I believe that all
of the game directions have been paraphased rather than directly quoted.
It should be noted that I have many times found the same, or very similar
game, under different names in different sources.
_____ . Physical Readiness Training. Headquarters, Department of the Army., FM 21-20. March 1973.
Anderson, Doris. Encyclopedia of Games. Zondervan Publishing House of the Zondervan Corporation. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1954. (nineteenth printing 1979.) ISBN: 0-310-20082-2
Bancroft, Jessie. Games. The MacMillan Company. New York. 1938.
Beard, D. C. The American Boys Handy Book. Nonparvil Boook by David R. Godine, Publisher, INc. 1983. (Repreint. orginally published by Scribner. New York. 1890.)
Blain, Mary E. Games for All Occasions.. Barse & Hopkins. New York. 1909.
Boyd, Neva. Handbook of Recreational Games: How to Play More Than 300 Childrens Games. Dover Publications, Inc. NewYork. 1975. (republication of Handbook of Games. H.T. FitSimons Company, INc. Chicago. 1945.).
Bruegel. Children at Play. Painting. app 1580.
Culin, Stewart. Games of the North American Indians. Dover Publications Inc. New York. 1975. (Republication of (Games of the North American Indians) of the Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Smithsonian Institution, 1902-1903, by W.H. Holmes, Chief. Governmnet Printing Office. 1907.).
Culin, Stewart. Games of the North American Indians. Vol 2. Games of Skill. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, Nebraska. 1992. (Republished from Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1902-1903. Smithsonian INstitution. 1907.).
Depew, Arthur M. The Cokesbury Game Book. Abindgon-Cokesbury Press. New York. 1934.
Depew, Arthur. The Cokesbury Stunt Book. Abindgon-Cokesbury Press. New York. 1934.
Ferretti, Fred. The Great American Book of Sidewalk, Stoop, Dirt, Curb and Alley Games. Workman Publishing Company. New York. 1975.
Fluegelman, Andrew. The New Games Book. Dolphin Book. Doubleday & Comapny Inc. Garden City New York. 1976.
ibid. More New Games. Dolphin Books. Dobleday & Company, Inc. Garden City, New York. 1981.
Gibson, Walter. Family Games America Plays. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Garden City, New York. 1970.
Grunfeld, Frederic. Games of the World. Holt, Rhinehart and Winston. New York. 1975.
Hammett, Catherine and Musselman, Virginia. The Camp Program Book. Association Press. New York. 1951.
Harbin, E.O. Phunology: A Collection of Tried and Proved Plans for Play, Felowship, and Profit. Cokesbury Press. Nashville. 1923.
Lincoln, Eric. Backyard Games. Stadia Spoirt. Publishing, INc. 1973.
Macfarlan, Allan and Paulette. Handbook of American Indian Games. Dover Publications, Inc. New York. 1958. (republication of Book of Aermican Indian Games. Association Press. New York. 1958) ISBN 0-486-24837-2 (pbk.),
MacFarlan, Allan. Treasury of Memory Making Indian Campfires. Bonanza Books. New York. 1963.
Maquire, Jack. Hopscotch, Hangman, Hot Potato, & HaHaHa: A Rulebook of Children's Games. Simon & Shuster. New York. 1990.
Mason, Bernard mand Mitchel, Emler. Acitve Games and Contests. A.S. Barnes and Company. New York. 1935.
Orlick, Terry. The Cooperative Sports and Games Book. Pantheon Books. New York. 1978.
ibid. The Second Cooperative Sports and Games Book. Pantheon Books. New York. 1982.
Page, Linda Garland & Smith, Hilton Editors. The Foxfire Book of Toys and Games: Reminiscences and Instructions from Appalachia.. E.P. Dutton. New York. 1985.
Smith, Charles F. Games and Game Leadership, Dood, Mean
ande Company. 1938.
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