(Many of these games are derived from Fluegelman, Andrew.
The New Games Book, and ibid. More New Games
and from Orlick, Terry. The Cooperative Sports and Games
Book and ibid. The Second Cooperative Sports and Games
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A playing field is marked off. The area should not be large,perhaps
ten square feet per player. One player is selected to be "it".
He lies in the grass in the center of the area. Each of the other
players gathers around and touches it. On the signal from the referee,
everybody runs, staying in the playing field. "It," as the snake,
moving on his belly tries to tag as many as he can. Those tagged
also become snakes and attempt to tag those not yet turned into snakes.
The last person caught is the starter snake in the next round.
A playing field is marked off. The field is not large (about
the size of a large gym mat). The center of this field has a line
down it. The players are in two teams, each team on one side of the
line. One team chooses a player to make a foray into the other teams
territory. The object is for that player to tag as many of the other
team as he can, but he must return to his own team's area in the space
of one breath. While on his foray he must say "dho-dho-dho-dho" continuously.
The team into whose area he has gone will attempt to retain him in their
area. If he is not back into his area before he runs out of breath,
he joins the team who held him. He may only be restrained by being
grasped above the waist. (Being held down bodily is encouraged.) He may
not be touched until he has tagged a player. If he makes it back
into his own area, all those he tagged become members of his team.
The teams may alternate turns of sending out a player on a foray, or they
send him out at their discretion.
A playing field of a circle about thirty feet in diameter is marked
with a clearly defined boundary. Two holes about a foot in diameter
are dug at opposite sides of the circle. A ball is placed in each
hole. The players are in two teams. Both teams have their shoes off, one
team has their socks off so as to be identified. The play is done on the
knees. To start the play each team gathers around their hole.
The object is to get your teams ball into the opponents hole. As
long as you are on your knees and in the circle, anything goes. If
for any reason, any portion of a players body crosses the boundary, he
is out of the game. (It is legal to monopolize the opposing teams
ball, sit on the hole, or to throw the opposing players out of the circle
(thus the name of the game).) A referee is a good idea. If
you or your opponent stops enjoying it action, you have both lost the game.)
Variation: ELIMINATION: The same rules as above, except
the ball and the holes are forgotten and the object to eliminate your opponents
by forcing them out of the circle. (This may eithor be a team game,
a everyman for himself game.) Note: Over the calf socks must
be rolled to the ankle before play starts.
Variation: KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF: The same set up as Slaughter,
except the opposing teams both wear socks and a player is eliminated when
both of his socks have been removed. (This may eithor be a team game,
or a everyman for himself game.)
A playing field is decided upon. The smaller the field, the more
intense the action. The game starts as a game of tag. One person
is chosen "it." As soon as he tags someone, they join hands.
The "it" blob gradually grows and grows. The Blob can split into
parts (no fewer than two players in separate parts) and organize raiding
parties on the remaining players. (Moral: You become what you
Two teams are set up. Each team lies down on their stomachs,
player beside player, teams parallel. At the signal, the back person
begins to roll over the top of his team. When he reaches the end
of the line, he calls out and the next person begins to roll. The
winning team is the first team across the finish line.
In groups larger than eight, the players line up and join by grasping
the players waist ahead of them. The head of the line then attempts
to catch (touch, or pull flag from pocket of, or grasp to form circle)
the tail of the line. If any player lets go, the dragon is declared
dead, and a new one must be formed. If in the set time of the round,
the head catches the tail, that player stays as head for another round.
If not, the tail moves to the head of the line.
In total darkness, or with all players blindfolded, the players are
scattered at random in the space allowed. By giving Patrol Calls,
the patrols attempt to gather into a group. The first Patrol so gathered,
gives their Patrol Yell and is declared the winner.
Each team lines up. Now each player reaches between his legs
with his left hand and grasps the right hand of the player behind him.
Once the chains are formed, the referee calls "go." The last person
in line lies down on his back, the next person moves straddling the body
of the last person and lays down behind him without letting go of hands.
(This will involve some laying on top of each other.) When the last
person to travel the line touches his head to the ground, the process is
reversed. The first team with all its members across the point of
starting is the winner.
(note: Smaug is a dragon in Lord of the Rings)
One person is chosen as the dragon. He guards a set of jewels
(a neckerchief or other flag on the ground). The other players are
in a circle around Smaug, and attempt to steal the treasure without being
tagged. Smaug can range as far from the jewels as he dares.
Once a player is tagged, he is frozen in position until the jewels are
stolen. (A popular strategy is to sneak up beyond while someone else
is distracting him. Of course there is always the mass rush as a
last resort. Beware, if Smaug freezes all the jewel robbers, he has
the option of leaving them frozen as long as he likes.)
The entire group lines up, squatting, each facing the alternate direction
of his neighbors (alternate people facing the same direction). The
player at one end is the first runner. He starts off and may not
change direction. The player at the other end is the first chaser.
The chaser may tap any squatting player and shout "go". The tapped
player runs forward and chases the runner. The original chaser replaces
the new chaser in the line. Thus the chaser in effect can cross the
center line. The key is to change chasers often and rapidly.
Once the runner is tagged, the tagger becomes the new runner and the person
at the end of the line becomes the new chaser.
The group is arranged seated, cross legged, one behind the other in
the form of spokes of a wheel (the more players, the more spokes).
The Caller, walks around the outside of the wheel and breaks a spoke by
tapping the last person on that spoke, saying eithor "Come with me" or
"Go Away". At this point the caller and everyone in the broken spoke
race around the circle. If the caller said "Go Away" the players
race in the opposite direction from the caller. If the caller said
"come with me", the players race in the same direction as the caller.
The last person to get seated in the new spoke, becomes the caller for
the next round.
This game involves much scrambling, and all the players in the unbroken
spokes are sitting ducks for collision. (Whether or not the parts
of the broken spoke can go over the other spokes, or must go around the
other spokes must be decided before the game begins.)
Stuff a rubber ball into a long sock, and tie a 15 foot line or rope
to it. The person holding the rope lays down in the center and begins
spinning the bola (sock with ball). The others jump the rope as it
spins by them. If the rope touches or nicks a jumper he is out. Last
one jumping is the winner. (Variation, at the discretion of the spinner,
if the rope entangles the feet of the jumper, the spinner may attempt to
finish the hogtie before the jumper has freed his feet.)
The team lines up at least eight to ten on the team. Everyone
puts their arms around the waist of the person in front of them.
The last person tucks a flag in the back of his belt. At the signal,
the dragon begins chasing its own tail, the object is for the head to snatch
the flag, while the tail is attempting to prevent the head from getting
the flag. (variation: Two or more teams attempting to get each
others flags.)
Two players face off face to face at an arms distance. The feet
of each player are side by side touching. The players place palms
of the hands on the palms of the opponents hands. (Right to left
and left to right.) The object is to force your opponent to move
either or both of his feet. The winner is the first two out of three.
(Variation, not to allow any sudden moves.)
Two individuals stand facing each other about an arm's length apart.
Now keeping the backs as straight as possible, hands up and palms towards
partners palms, lean forward, catching each other palm to palm. Then
rebound back to a standing position with a springlike action. The
pair then attempts the same action from a distance about six inches further
apart, and keeps increasing the distance until they miss or are unable
to return to the standing position. (A pair may play for fun, or
pairs may compete for furthest distance apart and yet complete the action.)
Two platforms (pedestals of logs about 6 to 12 inches high and about
12" diameter). Each of the two players stands on one of the pedestals,
which are about 6 to 8 feet apart. Each player holds the end of a
rope at least 15 feet long. At the signal, they begin to maneuver
the rope (reeling it in, pulling and releasing, etc.) so as to make the
other player fall off his pedestal. (variation: three players
on a Y-shaped rope, variation: numerous players on a circular rope.)
Take a long old cotton tube sock and place a ball in the toe.
Tie a knot in the sock just above the ball. Now play catch, or any
of the frisbee games. The only way to catch a schmerltz is by its
Two players take pillows (or suitable substitutes). They stand
(or sit) on a log. The first player be knocked off the log or to
fall off the log loses. (Challenges are then accepted or a
tournament type round robin is set up.)
One of the group volunteers to be the octopus. The remaining
"fishes" line up on one end of a playing field. At the call of the octopus,
the group attempts to pass to the other end of the playing field.
The octopus has a nerf ball and attempts to tag or throw and hit or otherwise
make the nerf ball come into contact with the fishes. Once a fish
is in contact with the nerf, he is frozen to the place. On
future rounds, if he can touch a fish, they become also, like he is, frozen
in place and serves as the octopus's tentacles. The game ends when
all the fish have become parts of the octopus' tentacles.
A playing field is set up with boundaries (the size depending on the
size and skill of the group. The smaller the field, the more intense
the action.) One of the players has a nerf ball, He is the
Monarch, and is confined to his throne. (i.e. He can't move his feet.)
The Anarchists (the remainder of the players) roam about the playing field
at random. Once a player has been hit by the nerf ball, he raises
to full height and announces his conversion by yelling "Monarch."
He then can no longer move his feet, but he can catch and pass the nerf
ball so as to convert other anarchists by hitting them with the nerf ball.
The game is over when all the Anarchists have been converted to Monarchs.
The action is a fast type of dodge ball.
(This game requires an odd number of players.) The group pairs
up into pairs. The pairs arrange themselves in a double circle facing
in. The odd player has a frisbee or other flag in front of him. The
odd player winks at one of the inner circle players. The inner circle
player (the winkee) then must tag the frisbee or flag in front of the odd
player (the winker) without standing up fully, and his partner attempts
to prevent him from reaching the flag before the group slowly counts to
The group breaks down into groups of four. (If there are extra,
five or six will also work, but then you are playing "square tag" or "pentagon
tag." Also the number of shapes need not equal the number of chasers,
in which case any chaser may tag any it.) Three players grab wrists
so as to form a triangle. One of the three is designated as "it."
To start, the fourth player (The Chaser) stands across the triangle from
it. He then tries to tag it. The members of the triangle manuever
so as to protect it from the chaser. It is not legal to tag across
the triangle on the arms or hands.
The entire group assumes the crab walk position. (This is facing up
supported only by hands and feet.) The object is to unbalance the
other players so some other portion of their body touches the ground.
The last player in position wins. (good for two or more players)
Variation: ROOSTER FIGHT: Same rules as Crab Grab only the
posture assumed is to tie foot to thigh or belt so as to stand only on
one leg. The last in the group standing wins. (Some groups
may prefer to hold their leg up with one hand rather than tying it up,
but this limits the number of hands to fight the other roosters with.)
Variation: SPIDER GRAB:
Same set up as Crab Grab, only the position assumed is face down, supported
only by hands and feet.
The group is numbered off one -two. Then the group forms a circle
with ones alternating with twos. On command, the ones lean forward
and the twos learn backward. The circle should support itself.
(A yurt stands up because each part supports the others.) On the
second command, the ones lean back and the twos lean forward. (Can
a wave motion be accomplished?)
(This can be a fun game, or a skill challenge game.) The group
forms a circle. Whatever equipment decided upon before hand is inside
the circle. An it is chosen by random count or rhyme or by leader
appointment. It moves to the center of the circle and performs
an act or skill or movement. The entire group then must perform that
act, skill or movement. Another it is chosen and the game goes on.
If this is played as a skill challenge game, if a person can't perform
or accomplish, points are tallied against him. (as in the basketball
game Horse.)
The universe (playing field) is littered with weapons (balls, softswords
etc.) The group may be in two or more teams, or play everyman
for himself. At the start signal, the group rushes into the universe
and begins to attack the opposing players. As they are tagged with
the balls, softswords etc., they become dead and leave the field.
The team with players left, wins.
Variation: A team may have a jedi knight who may come forth and
revive dead players with his light saber. (In this case the dead
players fall where killed rather than leaving the field.) The Jedi
Knight can be killed by being tagged by two of the opponents at the same
time. He has a safe base over to the side in which he cannot be killed.
The patrols line up. The last Scout in each gets on all fours,
those in front of him get in position such that the Scout behind them supports
his feet and he has his hands on the ground. The patrols race a set
distance. If the line breaks, the patrol must start over.
At night an Older boy is stationed in light cover. Laying on
the ground is a "valuable" which he is guarding, but may not touch.
The patrol is to attempt to steal that valuable. The game is scored
by the time it takes the patrol as a whole to steal the valuabe.
At the option of the group playing, raiders may be "killed" or "captured"
by the guard.
Two players face each other inside a 25 foot circle. Each
wears a crepe paper band around his left arm just above the elbow, tied
on with a square knot. At the command "Attack" each either stalk,
or rush each other in an effort of snatch the opponents armband.
Each pair may dodge about the circle as they will, interfering as little
as possible with other pairs that may be playing at the same time.
The attackers may crouch, feint, jump or try to secure a rivals armband
in any fair and not over rough way. One round is a match. (Macfarlan
p 239)
Two players take pillows (or suitable substitutes). They stand
(or sit) on a log. The first player be knocked off the log or to
fall off the log loses. (Challenges are then accepted or a
tournament type round robin is set up.)
(If played over water, the game can be greatly improved. This
depends on finding a suitable log over water.)
On a log bridge (found or erected) two challengers start, one from
each end, carrying a stout hardwood stick about 18" in length and 2 to
3 in diameter. When the challengers met in the middle, they raised
their sticks, and press one on the other.
The one forced back or off the log is the loser. The sticks
are presses one against the other, not struck. Contestants
not using steady pressure are disqualified. (Macfarlan p 240)
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